Be aware of that when purchasing these because they are expensive & you wouldn’t want to come up short. This can be very limiting if you don’t have several outdoor plugs. I just want to reiterate the detail about connecting a maximum of 3 sets together. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. *Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Here are a few more details about these Costco icicle lights……. They do look GREAT though, when setup properly. That was the main reason for me sticking to the standard 100 count Christmas lights.

These only span about 9 1/2 feet of length, so if you have 50 feet to cover, you may need 5 or 6 ($150+). Before you purchase, be aware of how many sets you might need. Anyways, these lights are a little pricier than the standard lights. On the box you can see “Distributed by: Costco Wholesale Corporation”. Now it looks like these are Costco’s own brand. I believe Costco sold these last year & they were made by GE. I’ve always thought about purchasing these because they do look great, but I’m already financially committed to the standard lights. Along with the standard Christmas Lights, Costco also carries these Cascading White Icicle Lights.